, Ms Cecilia Alberta,CANADA
Born in Canada in 1948 and is an Administrative Assistant. She commenced judging in 1995. Cec is approved to judge Groups 1, 5 and 6 and has judged in all areas of Canada, also USA, Hong Kong and in Chile. Like her partner Butch, Cec's breed involvement has been with Doberman Pinschers - for 30 plus years and she has also bred & exhibited Toy Poodles, Papillon and Whippets. Cec was an All Breed Professional Handler for 20 years. Started in sport of showing dogs in 1968, first with Toy Poodles and then Dobermans under the "Starstorm" prefix. She was also all breed handler for 20 years, along with her husband Butch MacDonald. They are very active in Papillon's & co-breed with Arkeno Papillon's. Ms. Ringstrom has judged extensively in Canada and the United States, including specialties at Westminster weekend. Internationally she has judged in South America and Hong Kong. In 2005, she judged in Australia, Palm Springs and other American destinations.