Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Lotta



    Makenna (previously Frosta)
  • FCI:

    Companion and Toy Dogs

Lotta is a journalist, and started judging at championship shows in 2002. Fluent in Swedish and English, her own breed is the King Charles Spaniel. She has also kept and bred the Polish Lowland Dog. Some of her own famous dogs include IntSUCh Debansu Rufus Frosta, S & DK UCh EW-97 KBHV-97 Frosta Jameson, SUCh Frosta Kahlua, S & DKUCh JEUW-97 KBHV-97 Frosta Barracuda, SUCh Frosta Mio Min Mio, SUCh Frosta Pina Colada, SUCh Makenna Flora-Viola, and SUCh Megsflocks Iandoela. Lotta has judged at CC-level in the following countries: Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and England. She's licensed to judge breeds in FCI Groups: 1 and 9.