, Mrs Taina Lapinjärvi,FINLAND
Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
Taina has been involved with dogs all her life; her parents were active breeders of Finnish Hounds. She grew up with an English imported Bullmastiff Donna of Kelwall. She has bred numerous champions in Continental Landseers under her prefix Washakie (Finland) since 1989, as well owned several Sealyham Terriers since she was 12 years old. Her husband is breeding St. Bernards and Taina has been involved with Saints since 1988. She is an active member of the Finnish St. Bernard Club and Finnish Landseer Club, as well a board member of the Finnish Dog Show Judges Association. She has also been a board member of the Finnish Terrier Club and the Finnish Companion Dog Club. She has been a delegate member in WUSB for several years (World Union of St. Bernards). Taina became a judge in 1999, and she has judged in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Portugal and Spain. Beside the Finnish language, she can speak English, German, Swedish and Swedish. Her specialist breeds are St. Bernards and Continental Landseers and Taina has been in charge of the education and examinations for the aspiring judges for those breeds. She is continuing with judge studies for more Mastiff breeds and Hounds.