Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Mrs Ainslie L Alberta,



    Oriana Perm. Reg.
  • AKC:

    All Breeds

Ainslie and her husband, Barrie, have owned and loved Golden Retrievers since 1974 and had a Black Labrador from 1993-2007. Ainslie has actively shown in conformation and obedience in the USA and Canada over the years, with occasional ventures into Tracking and Working Certificate training. Despite a limited breeding program, they have bred and/or owned 60 Canadian champions, 7 American champions, 8 Canadian Obedience Trial Champions, 8 GRCC Hall of Fame Outstanding Producers and 4 GRCC Obedience Hall of Fame dogs, Group Winners, Best Puppy in Show Winners, High in Trial winners, Guide Dogs for the Blind, certified Search and Rescue Dogs, Avalanche Rescue Dogs, obedience, tracking and field title holders. She has been active with both local and national Golden Retriever Clubs, is a Past-President and life member of the Golden Retriever Club of Canada and the GRC of BC as well as being a life member of the Canadian Kennel Club and Golden Retriever Club of America. Ainslie presently chairs the Golden Retriever Club of Canada Breed Standard and Judge's Education Committee and the Golden Retriever Club of America's Judges' Education Committee. She has previously been active over the years as both a volunteer and Board member of Canadian Guide Dogs for the Blind. She is a member of the Canadian Dog Judges' Association and regularly attends and presents at judges' education events. She has judged conformation since 1992 and is currently approved by the Canadian Kennel Club for all-breeds. Ainslie has thoroughly enjoyed judging both all-breed and specialty shows, from coast to coast across Canada and the USA, including the Golden Retriever Club of Canada National Specialty (twice) and bitches at the Golden Retriever Club of American National Specialty in 2004. Also in 2004, she was honoured to judge a record entry at the Australian Golden Retriever National Specialty. She has also judged in New Zealand and Indonesia. Ainslie is retired after working for over 40 years in the Library at her alma mater, Simon Fraser University. She enjoys music and collecting anything "Golden".

LAST UPDATED: 10 years ago