Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Mr G South Australia,


  • ANKC:

    All Breeds

Has been involved with breeding and showing pedigree dogs since 1971, with Irish Setters, American Cockers, Pointers and Smooth Coated Fox Terriers. He and his wife have been successful in breeding, owning and exhibiting many breeds to their Australian titles. Currently they are exhibiting American Cockers and a Boston terrier. Their American Cockers have been awarded B.I.S. at both Specialty and all Breeds Shows. Is a Past President and Life Member of the Gundog Club of South Australia and Past Chairman and currently on the executive of the Retrieving and Field Trials Advisory Committee of The South Australian Canine Association. Commenced judging career in 1986 and has judged in most states of Australia, as well as New Zealand, Philippines, South Africa, Indonesia and the U.S.A. Has judged American Cocker Specialty Shows both in Australia and in the Philippines. To further his knowledge on breeds he attends as many Specialty Shows both in Australia and when he travel overseas. As well as a conformation All Breeds Judge, he is also licensed to judge Championship Pointer and Setter Field Trials. One of his main beliefs about the world of dog showing is that people are of the utmost value and importance and he has learned to incorporate this belief into his role as a Judge.