, Dr Calin-lucian Cluj,ROMANIA
Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
Calin was born in 1973 and he has been a dog show judge since 2005. He is licensed to judge the German Boxer, Giant Schnauzer, Schnauzer and Miniature Schnauzer breeds. He is also a practicing Veterinarian since 1997. In 1980-1986 he was the owner of a Miniature Schnauzer male - Sare si Piper - that became 'RChCL'. Between 1985 and 1988 Calin owned a beautiful German Boxer bitch that won the title of 'Champion of Romania'. He is the owner of the POCKER'S kennel, which aims to breed Black Miniature Schnauzer. Specialist Judge of Schnauzer and Boxer. Licensed to judge: Gr. I: Ciobanesc Românesc Mioritic, Ciobanesc Românesc Carpatin; Gr. II: Boxer, Dobermann, Deutsche Dogge, Dogo Argentino, Pinscher, Riesenschnauzer, Schnauzer, Zwergpinscher, Zwergschnauzer & BOG