, Mr IchiroJAPAN
Sir Domperignon
He has grown up with Dachshunds from early childhood, since his father has been breeding Dachshunds. Began breeding Dachshunds, and has produced many Champions under his kennel "SIR DOMPERIGNON FCI". Has been also involved with breeding West Highland White Terriers, Pekingese. Qualified to judge Dachshunds in 1987. After that, qualified as All-Breed Judge in January, 2002. Has been judging since 1988, and currently works as the Manager of the Scientific Education Section of the JKC headquarter. Has judged at many shows throughout Japan including the FCI International Dog Shows and JKC National Dachshund Specialty Shows. Has also judged in Mexico, Korea, People's Republic of China and the Republic of China, Philippines, New Zealand, Finland and Canada.