, Mr Augustin Bucharest,ROMANIA
Wolf PointFCI:
Pinscher and Schnauzer - Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs, Terriers, Spitz and Primitive types, Pointing Dogs, Retrievers - Flushing Dogs - Water Dogs
Augustin is a veterinary doctor, but also a renamed breeder and FCI judge. He debuted in the world of chinology as a Siberian Husky breeder. His dogs under the Wolf Point affix have had success in his homeland as well as in foreign countries, Europe, Brazil, Thailand and South Africa. He also breeds American Akita, Golden Retriever, Great Dane and in the recent years, he has focused his attention to another spectacular breed, the Australian Shepherd, with the same passion and keen eye, selecting and breeding for quality and temperament. At present, Mr. Ionescu is the vice-president of the Romanian Club for Primitive and Northern Breeds. As an FCI judge he has had the opportunity to judge in Romania, Norway, Italy, Latvia, Estonia, Russia and the Czech Republic. International Judge for the FCI groups: II, III, V, VII, VIII. Speaks English, Italian and Spanish.