Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Dr Ferdinando Lombardia,



    Gran Lasco
  • FCI:

    All Breeds

Ferdinando has judged in many countries around the world from Europe, Russia, Scandinavian countries to Thailand. Cinognostica teacher for a long time, also a speaker and examiner in the training of new judges for the ENCI. Breeder of Jack Russell Terriers, (Airedale and Bedlington in the past) under the kennel prefix of Gran Lasco and has produced over sixty Champions. Member of many scientific committees of many breeds, has worked and currently works for the study of the same. Doctor of Veterinary Surgery, specialist in small animals Orthopedic clinical pathology. Ferdinando is mainly engaged in the study of genetic diseases of orthopedic purebred dog. ENCI-FCI official evalutator and certificator of HD and ED. As a journalist and has written countless articles and many books about different breeds of dogs.

LAST UPDATED: 11 years ago