, Mrs Andrena Ontario,CANADA
Andrena's involvement with dogs began in 1949, when she started breeding Miniature Poodles with her mother. After her marriage in 1956 she moved to Canada, and together with her husband, H.J., bred and exhibited Poodles and Maltese. They both became professional handlers for about 17 years and made up, between them, over 200 champions - from all Groups. Their homebred Miniature Poodle, Am. & Can. Ch. Poodhall Gus, was the top winning Non-Sporting dog in Canada for six consecutive years. Began judging in 1955, but it was only after the Brunottes gave up breeding and exhibiting that she started judging professionally. She was granted all-breed status by the Canadian Kennel Club in 1984, and has judged in Canada, the USA, Bermuda, England, Sweden, Finland, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Australia and New Zealand.