Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Ms Olivia Western Australia,



  • AKC:

    Sporting, Toy
  • ANKC:

    Toy, Gundog

Started showing dogs in 1976 with my first dog (Labrador born 1975). He became a show champion and gained his CD. I bred my first litter of Labs in 1979 and have bred numerous champions and specialty winners over the years. My involvement with Toy breeds began when my parents imported a Maltese from England and commenced a very successful line of Maltese from then, once again owning and breeding many very well performed dogs. I have also successfully handled many breeds for friends. Breeds mostly involved with as a handler are Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Miniature Pinscher, Papillon, Pug and Yorkshire Terrier.

Commenced judging in mid 1980's and have been ANKC approved in Toys & Gundogs since around 1989. I have judged in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland. I judged some Toy breeds at an open show when on holiday in England in 1994 and was fortunate enough to judge Toy and Sporting Groups in USA in November 2010.

LAST UPDATED: 12 years ago