Show Dog Judges Profiles


, Mr Charles California,


  • AKC:


Began his career in dogs in 1958 as a handler, graduating to zone representative of the Professional Handlers Association for a number of years. He retired from handling in the late 1970s and began judging soon thereafter. Mr. Trotter now judges all breed groups except terriers. At the 1997 Westminster show, the dog he selected as the Working Group winner went on to Best in Show. Mr. Trotter, well known for his knowledge of canine movement and anatomical structure, credits his background in German Shepherd Dogs to the development of his theories of proper conformation. Mr. Trotter has been a member of the Nashville Kennel Club for over 40 years. He is vice-president and sits on its board of directors. Since his marriage to Patricia Craige (see below) in 1994, Mr. Trotter's household has expanded to include his wife's celebrated Vin-Melca Norwegian Elkhounds. The Trotters enjoy a variety of sporting and social activities in addition to their involvement in the dog world.