All Breeds
Since 1978, Roberto has been a regular member and a former director of the Philippine Dobermann Federation (PDF), Charter Member, former Secretary and 2nd Vice-President of the German Shepherd Dog Federation (GSDF), member of the Board of Directors of the parent club, the Philippine Canine Club Incorporated (PCCI), a position he has held in 1984 to 1985 and again from 1987 to 2000. As a member of the Board, he has chaired the Publications committee, the By-Laws Committee, the Judge Licensing Committee, and has also served as its 1st Vice-President. In his last two years he served the Board as President and Board Chairman. At present, he is a member of the Judges' Development & Licensing Committee, lifetime member of the PCCI and is also a member of the Dobermann Pinscher Club of America (DPCA). Roberto started with Dobermanns in 1977. His kennel name "Asgard" was founded on a red male US import, Alisaton James Aloysius, bred by Gwen de Milta. A proponent male, he had great influence on the formation of the Philippine Dobermann of today. Mr. Tesoro, together with some friends and associates have successfully established a line of Dobermanns consistent in type, producing Champions, Best in Show and Specialty winners in every generation. Roberto received his first judging license for Dobermanns in 1983 and has broadened his judging since then to include Boxers, Rottweilers, Pekingese, Pugs, and Miniature Pinschers. Aside from the numerous All Breed Shows he has judged, his memorable assignments were the Doberman National Specialties in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Japan. In the United States, he was invited by the prestigious Empire and the Progressive Dog Clubs of New York to judge several Toy Specialties, Best Puppy in Show, and Sweepstakes. He has judged extensively in Australia, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand the United States of America, Canada, Sweden and Norway.