, Mr Brian Ontario,CANADA
Brian has been involved with dogs for 45 years as a professional handler, breeder and judge. He moved to Canada from England in 1956. He started his dog career when he imported a German Shepherd from England in 1963. He began to handle professionally in 1969 and retired from handling in 1984. Brian handled many top winning Irish Setters, Golden Retrievers, Rottweilers, and Beagles. Along with his ex-wife, Judy Taylor, Brian bred several top winning Golden Retrievers. When he misses the handling part of dog shows, Brian accompanies his daughter, Jill, to shows and assists her with her Irish Setters. Brian is currently licensed to judge Groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and most of 5 & 6. He has judged internationally and is now a CKC director. Brian resides in Burlington, Ontario.